Firefly Recovery Device

I started this post while I was sick with an awful chest cold. It was so bad that I had to pull out of USAT Duathlon Nationals– so much for a trip to the World Championship in Spain next year! But that also means I had a few moments to focus on blog posts– and, in this case, product reviews. While I’m always tinkering with lots of different products and ideas, not many of them actually “stick” and really show promise. The ones that don’t make the cut rarely get a word from me and only a few of the promising ones get a review. This is one of those few products. Continue reading

Playing with Xert– Part 3

This my overdue third post on using Xert to track my cycling and running fitness. This post discusses how to add running into the mix. My first post in this trilogy described why Xert is such a useful product. In my second post, I wrote about using Xert smart workouts to turn Xert into the world’s smartest coach as well as integrating those features into Zwift to give you a really a fun and super-effective workout. If your only sport is cycling, those posts pretty much tell you all you need to know. But most of you are multisport athletes and this post talks about how to incorporate Xert to all of those other sports. This post is specific to running– but it could apply just as easily to any other endurance sport where power measuring technology is common (e.g. rowing). Continue reading

Playing with Xert– Part 1

As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve been playing with Baron Biosystem’s Xert for the last few months. It’s an interested and amazing product that fits part of my 2018 training schedule. I’m breaking this post into three bite-size parts. First, I’ll talk about why Xert is such an amazing product. Next, I’ll discuss how to use the Xert ConnectIQ Player, which is the most effective (but evil) realtime coach you could ever have. Finally, I’ll share my thoughts about how to integrate running and cycling into Xert.

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A Long Time Away…

Yesterday, my cat Rudy passed away from congestive heart failure (CHF). During the ten months that we struggled with his condition, I’ve been virtually silent on The Athletic Time Machine. Every extra bit of my emotional energy that I could have spent on this site during this time was spent instead on Rudy’s care. While CHF is a terrible degenerative disease that most of us never think about, I’ve learned far too much about it in cats. In fact, I’ve started a blog for other pet owners who facing CHF. I wouldn’t wish CHF on anyone– or their pets. And while I’m posting there, I also hope to be posting a lot more content here as well.

A Better Way to Run “Over-Under” Running Workouts

10000m OlympicsAsk any elite triathlete or runner about some of their most effective workouts and it’s highly likely that so-called “over-under” workouts will come up fairly quickly because they are devastatingly effective. I’ve always performed miserably at these workouts but I’ve recently found a new way to hit them pretty precisely. This post shares what I learned. Continue reading